Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lets see your chance.........

"There is no escape from this! Its not about what I want.....Its about whats FAIR!! There are no decent people in this indecent world. The only justice in an unfair world is a chance - unbiased, unprejudiced......fair. There cannot be morality in this cruel world! He has got the same chance as she had.....50-50."
Fair enough. The only justice one can expect is a chance to make things come true. It really doesn't matter how much it hurts you or makes you happy, its not about profit or loss,its not about how much correct or incorrect it is - its about WHATS FAIR!!!
Unfortunately some don't get the hang of it. People always try to make their own conceptions about a situation,then interpret it their own way,thinking it will improve. But in return they forget whats fair, what was required and make things worse. Everything has a reason, every act has a motive and every action a consequence. But the question that really matters is whether they were correct or not. Look at this man's face. How we know him?
Harvey Dent turned two face.....mad,insane, one who has lost all his senses, shooting people at random, deciding their fate on toss of a coin......
But I say why not? When you lose the only thing you wanted so badly, does it really matter what else you do? Fair enough. I may not have any right to interfere in others lives. But people were affected by my actions and if that was so then they can't really argue I don't have any right to play with them. Someone even argued what if the whole world started behaving like that? Taking decisions on fate of a coin, leaving it on chance? Well I say they don't for now, so its none of my business. Its their problem they don't believe in fair probabilities. They just want to fit a proper reason for everything, one that hides their irresponsibility, their duties to be performed, their mistakes. Everybody just sees the rampage Dent has went on, nobody sees his scars, his burns. Nobody sees the injustice done to him. What they will do is just show remorse over what has happened, try to show sympathy. But the fact in first place is they still don't do whats FAIR! Perhaps too cowardly of people. First run away from your duties and then say sorry. A sorry? It is everybody's duty to do whats fair. Not following it is a mistake in itself....and then sorry. This sorry doesn't bring back anything lost nor does it do any good to the person except make him feel good. One will argue it is still madness to do something out of grief/anger just because you were done injustice with. But I say its really not about madness - Its about doing the same thing you owe somebody so that you can say 'sorry' and level things up. Forgiving is a God-given gift- none the less even our Gods have shown no mercy to demons troubling people. Perhaps they could have forgiven them, given them a chance to improve. There is nothing unfair in this world! If there is badness in this world, it is for a purpose and if somebody is using it, it isn't unfair.

On the other hand, I say agreed. Coin is unbiased, unprejudiced........fair. But what really decides what will toss it, the force deciding its revolutions its swing? That cannot be unbiased. Which hand will toss it? Who will toss it? Why? A coin will undoubtedly give two outputs, but with extreme practice you can perfect the platform on which this game is played and that will cause biased result. Why is it that every time Dent escapes the net, others suffering every time,losing their life? Perhaps he is too good at tossing it. I personally feel the scenario will be different if the Dent tosses the coin from the other hand rather than the one you see in the picture. But then again,another thought- Perhaps since their is no purpose of living for Dent, the rightful place of that coin lies in the hands of two face. Fair enough I guess. We owe everything we are responsible for, the only thing that bothers me is why can't this moral world allow us to level the things up by ourselves rather than forgetting them, forgiving the responsible and then leaving them as they are, leaving them to God, fate? If the responsible, the culprits will pay for what they have done, if everybody has to, then why not do it yourself than let somebody other do it and that too might be at a stage where you may not know anything about it? Acting like this will cause havoc,chaos everywhere,but I say even at this instant the world is not completely fair; there is injustice only difference being we are not part of it. When we do, I am sure 9/10 will respond the same way they do.


  1. People always try to make their own conceptions about a situation,then interpret it their own way,thinking it will improve.

    And who decides what's fair? There is someone who decides that too. And that's HIS perception; he thinks that's fair. Who's there to give a bullshit whether it is or not? What have you to say to that?

  2. well thats what i m saying.....if what people are doing is fair then what harvey dent is doing is fair too.......what is detesting is ppl dnt stick to their words, they dnt stick to their actions....thats whats he means by saying its not fair...
